Wednesday, November 09, 2005

At least it's not our fault

So after numerous calls to the lender, we find out that the appraiser is still dragging his feet. However, it turns out that he was not the lender's apprasier- he was the one the seller's agent advocated. So, it's the seller's fault he's so damn slow, not ours. If this prevents us from closing on time, we won't have to deal with any penalties. I guess having the appraiser be on the seller's side means that he'll be more inclined to be gentle with us, because the seller wants the property off his back.

In the meantime, we're still trying to get our financial ducks in a row and provide all the proper documentation. We're still waiting, but it's not quite as terrible as it was before, even though we still have no idea if we'll get the house or not.

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