Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Another helping of waiting, anyone?

So it's Tuesday. Not even early morning Tuesday, but not-so-far-away-from-close-of-business Tuesday. We still haven't heard a thing. Last week the appraiser had informed the lender that there were no problems meeting the purchase price. We already knew that from the first appraisal, but I guess it never hurts to hear it again. At least the rat-hole is worth what the seller said it was, even if most of the value is in the land.

However, what the appraiser was still trying to figure out was the dollar amount of the work that would have to go into the home. Basically that's the list of what we'd have to get finished to get the money released from the escrow account. If we got the house, that is. If. Big if.

We were supposed to find out yesterday, and there was no word. So we thought we'd find out today, and there's no word, and neither of us are in a good position today, time-wise, to carry out a long discussion with the lender.

I really hope we find out tomorrow. I don't like being stuck in limbo.

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering where it was all at...bummer. Keep the faith! Sylvester is thinking good thoughts for you! (or he's just hungry- I choose to believe the former)
