Thursday, April 20, 2006

Waiting once more

Since the letter was sent we haven't heard a peep from Mr. Front Lot Guy. So we really have no idea what's going on there. My spouse didn't have time to try to track him down today, but maybe tomorrow. If not, there's always the weekend or next week. We're not the ones in a hurry to build a house, so we can wait as long as we need to. We also found out from the company that does the installations for the electric company that we don't HAVE to put stuff in the right of way. If the owner of the front lot will give us a 5-ft easement, we don't have to have a contractor do it, and Mr. Front Lot Guy could rent an excavator or trencher and do it himself. But, since we haven't talked to him, we can't tell him that.

Personally, I wonder why he hasn't contacted us. Part of me wonders if he's working on getting his own legal council, although so far every single person has told us he doesn't have a leg to stand on. Who knows what's going on. Everyone else will know as soon as we do. ^_^

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