Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Another benefit of working for a large homebuilder is that I've got resources up wazoo. And that's aside from the half hour of free legal stuff. I chatted up our land development guys, who said it was crazy to think that the utility move was the responsibility of anybody but the builder on the front lot. THEN, after we really needed some good legal help quick (after the half hour was used up), our sales operations manager referred me to a real estate lawyer my company's used in the past. So I called him up on Monday afternoon and he helped us immediately. Tuesday morning he returned our letter, edited, and today we sent the thing out. It was awesome, both the response time and the letter. I am SUPER happy. Hooray for where I work! Hooray for it being quick and easy to get legal assistance!

Anyway, this builder guy is NOT a great fella. At least not in the way he conducts his business. He called us and expected us to meet him in half an hour this past weekend, even though we had plans. Thanks, butt-munch. So we waited. And he didn't show up. We left.

Today he had some guys out to look at taking down the big, beautiful trees. They'd been waiting for the builder guy to show up so they could give him a quote. He never showed. How in the hell does he manage to stay in business? It's a small consolation that he's terrrible with everyone. At least we don't have to take it personally.

1 comment:

  1. I imagine his butt-munchedness also eases the conscience on taking the hard line. I will be really sorry if he drops your trees out of spite. Maybe you could get some fast growing baby trees at a nursery and plant a screen of some sort?
