Monday, April 24, 2006

Comin' up roses

Okay, it should actually be "comin' up pansies," but it just doesn't have the same effect.

There has still been no movement on the lot in front of ours. Which is no big deal- his loss, not ours. Anyway, the weather here has been FABULOUS- it hit 75 today. Now that we actually have a yard, the nice weather makes me want to do yardwork. If only it had had the same effect when I was a dad would have been overjoyed... So, since the weather was wonderful, we decided to do a bit of gardening. Unfortunately, we didn't have any flowers to plant. Or did we?

I've noticed several pansies growing "wild" on the front lot over the past couple of weeks. There are all different colors, and they're scattered at strange intervals throughout the lot. Since they were going to be bulldozed anyway...

So we planted many lovely pansies in our yard. I am happy. I got to be outside and play in the dirt, not to mention save some flowers' lives.

If it stays warm we can move on to the next phase of house fun time: ripping out walls and redoing electrical wiring.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:58 PM

    I am sooo sad about those beautiful trees! What a shame and shame on your nasty "Indian" neighbor. Nothing like getting a real pill living next door.
