Monday, January 02, 2017

Heat Pump

This is what the heat pump looks like when it's 32 degrees. It is still pumping and heating the house, but the coils and housing are frosty
This photo is from 12/06/16.


  1. the heat pump has a chilly!

  2. Oh wow! I can see the ice on your heat pump very clearly. I’m glad it’s still working. I assume you are keeping an eye on it to make sure it does not freeze. You surely don’t want your pump to act up during the winter, but it seems like it’s a very strong heat pump.

    1. The company that I bought the heat pump from (who also installed it) assured me that I won't have to worry about the heat pump through the winter. It goes through a defrosting process every now and then (once a day in winter) and belches a big cloud of vapor. It's fun wo watch when it happens! ^_^
