Saturday, November 29, 2014

Bathroom Floor - Grout

I grouted the floor this morning. I had intended to do it yesterday, but I didn't feel well (I have some post infection inflammation in my inner ear that is causing me to feel dizzy and nauseous from a cold). It only took about an hour and a half. The most time consuming part was the wiping and cleaning of the floor tiles after I squished the grout into the cracks. 

I used a premixed polyurethane grout called QuartzLock2. I picked the color Silver-Gray since we think that it will go nicely with a Carrara marble counter top that we intend to use for the vanity/sink. It's more than twice as expensive as regular grout, but it retains some flexibility over its life (reducing cracking) and is self-sealing (so I don't have to seal it after I grout). I thought the grouting was pretty easy all in all. The grout has a shelf life of two years so I'll get to keep the bucket (which has a little left over in it) to do any patching of my mistakes that I lose sleep over.

You have to install the grout using a special polyurethane trowel which is kind of soft. And the manufacturer suggests using a cleaner (like Windex) in the cleaning water when wiping the tile clean. You're only supposed to do small patches of grouting at a time since since you wouldn't be able to reach the areas to clean them otherwise. I did patches of about two square feet at a time.

My knees were a little sore when I was done. So was my back.


  1. oh, sweet boy! what a wonderful tile job!
    so sorry you aren't feeling well and you got sore knees and back.
    did you use knee protectors?
    will you be able to use the shower/bath on monday morning?
    oh beautiful tile
    shinning and white
    waiting for the bathmat

  2. Anonymous8:40 AM

    I have been working on the deck making wall panels for more privacy and purchased knee pads, oh, so much better.. but still tough getting up and down..this old body wants to be up or down not up and down.... good job Jake... a

  3. My knees didn't hurt so much because of them being on the ground. It was because they were bent for so long. Straightening them was a tender process.
