Monday, June 26, 2006

And now we're underground...

The nice folks from PSE finally got off their asses and got the contractor out to convert the overhead electrical connection to underground last Thursday. It took them about 2 plus hours to do the work from the time they showed up to the time they left, but we were without power for only about 1/2 hour.

Now that the line is gone, the front lot is clear and we don't have to really deal with the creep anymore. Although, I did tell him that the framers are leaving a lot of trash around. He promptly cleaned up the area. Nice.

After the underground line was run, it's now our responsibility to fill in the trench. Since my spouse dug the trench and weed-whacked, I did the filling.

One more thing... my spouse found raspberry bushes amongst all the 4 foot grasses and weeds. And a few raspberries were ripe! She had raspberries in her backyard growing up so she was really excited! I was pretty excited too because I like raspberries! There aren't a lot, but it's a start. Yeah for raspberries!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for raspberries!!! That's kismet. And yay for no more interaction with the jerk!!! But especially yay for raspberries!
