Monday, July 09, 2012

2nd Bedroom - Part 12: Trim

I was able to finish the trim in the second bedroom this weekend.  I took my time with the window and even sprayed insulating foam in all the cracks before installing the trim around it.  I also fussed with the door frame and smoothed the closing action.

All the trim is MDF except for the window sill.  I used wood (hemlock) because the MDF window sills I've seen don't age well.  Plus the profile that I used under the sill is only available in wood (hemlock).

Now all I have to do is fill the nail holes and paint the trim.  That... and... build the built-in closet cabinet, install it, and install trim around it.

If you're interested in seeing what a three-year-old does in a mostly empty room... click here.


  1. is that a heater under the window?
    oh beautiful room getting beautifuller.
    oh, did you notice, there's a growth in the room; almost everytime you take a picture of the room, you see it - a feisty little growth. hee
    what's MDF? well, i can see what it does, but what is it made of.

  2. MDF is medium density fiberboard. It's kind of like particle board.
