Thursday, July 02, 2009

Changing Table

This is kind of a crossover blog post. It's baby-related but really probably belongs with other posts of its kind (i.e. construction-related).

We'd set up a changing station for our new baby Arlo in the second bedroom before he was born. But once we had the baby, changing diapers at 3AM seemed easier to do closer to our room. Plus, a couple of friends of ours who have a child always changed their kid in the bathroom so that the child started to associate the bathroom with potty-related activities. In short, we needed to come up with a new solution.

First we tried changing the baby on the floor. This worked fine, but bending over was tough for me in the small bathroom and it was impossible for my spouse and her healing C-section incision.

I had a thought to make a fold-down changing table. After taking some measurements, I found that the space between the sink and the wall was was adequate and so was the height of the sink. Finding the time to go to Home Depot was a little challenging, but I finally did yesterday. The table is 36" wide and 18" deep and 32" high. It went together pretty quickly. The only thing I have to do is put a finish on it to protect it from torrents of pee. I'm going to use the linseed oil and beeswax finish that we got for the built-in bookshelf (that is as of yet unfinished).


  1. Neat! Good idea.

    Did you get lucky with a stud in the right place, or was it good enough to just use drywall screws to keep that thing up?

  2. Surprisingly, I didn't hit a single stud (there should have been at least one along the side of the window). But four drywall anchors are more than enough in a shear force application like the changing table.

  3. Slardon8:34 PM

    between the sink and the.. what is it? the suspense is killing me! I cant really tell what you are talkin about from the pictures

  4. Between the sink and the wall. Hey, cut a sleep deprived father some slack.
