Monday, January 19, 2009

We're Back!

After a very nice holiday season, we're getting ready for round 2, the den. More on that in a bit.

Even though we haven't been working on actual rooms, however, we've still been plugging away at a few things that have been bothering us.

For one, there's really not a lot of storage in this house. The master bedroom has big closets, and the other bedroom has a closet as well, but no linen closet for towels/sheets/sleeping bags, etc. So, we've been using bookshelves in our bedroom, but shelves take up space in the room that we're going to need come June.

It was my spouse's idea to use the shower in the master bath as a closet. From nightmare shower to heavenly storage! The shower is way too dark and small, and always looks moldy and filthy no matter how much you scrub it, hence its disuse. Some Tyvek and quick shelving later and presto! Excellent temporary linen closet (we'll be putting a real linen close in during our next phase of construction).

I'll talk about some of our other mini-projects over the course of the week, and then hopefully next week we'll have some good demolition pictures. The plan is to submit for the permit next Tuesday (since there's plumbing and more electrical involved, we want the permit for insurance purposes), and hopefully have it completed by June. Since the exterior wall is in the carport this time we won't need to do fancy siding or anything. We will be putting in a door, and a media closet, along with all the laundry/linen closets accessible from the hallway. Ahhh, sweet storage. And then once that's all done, we can finally put in a floor. I think that makes me most excited of all.

1 comment:

  1. You know I recently found out some Tyvek has reflective stripes that can only be seen at night. You might have unknowingly built the first rocken moldy shower/disco/closet conversion in history. Hang an LED ball and pump in some German Techno gunge and get your storage funk on. Or not, whatever.
