Sunday, October 05, 2008

Siding Sojourn

As you know, we've passed our final inspection, and we're really, really pleased with the way everything looks. So, this time, we're going to go through and show the progression of the siding, from start to finished product. When we get the insides closer to finished (more moulding, trim painted) we'll do the same thing there.

Rear of the house (south wall):

Side of the house (east wall):

And here are a few details pictures that we liked:

Finally, the siding is finished, and we think it looks nice.

You can't really see the work we did on the siding unless you walk around the side of the house - it isn't visible from the road. Which is bad, because we think it looks so sharp, but it's also good because then our patchwork house doesn't look more "Frankenstein" than it does already.

We'll post more later this week!

1 comment:

  1. Wow guys! It looks great! I really like the color.
