Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Nice and Trim

So while my brother and I were working on getting the outside painted in preparation for inspection (that man worked like crazy while I did my day job - we couldn't have met our permit deadline without him), my spouse was working like crazy on the inside trim. He did a beautiful job, and we think the windows turned out really nicely. We're especially happy with the way the sill turned out.

Now that our permit's complete, we're doing a couple of side projects to prep for the next round of ripping out the den. Right now my spouse has been working on building a cabinet for our tools, so we don't have to keep moving them around the rooms as we work on them anymore.

I'll post more pictures when the cabinet's complete, because I think it looks good and will be really useful (especially since we can't build our shed yet).

Next up, while the spouse works on the drawings for the next permit, my brother and I will paint the interior window trim (white) and measure/install/paint the crown moulding. Then it's time for the bookshelf, and hopefully we'll have that all in by Thanksgiving, so we can rip out the den in early December.


  1. Anonymous7:11 PM

    you guys are making such progress! doesn't it feel really GOOOOOOOD?


  2. Oh god, crown molding you are gluttons for punishment. Remember upside down and backwards.
