Monday, April 14, 2008

Slow Going

It's sort of strange that now we're into some of the more picky, random tasks that we're having a heck of a time getting them done. I blame it on timing. Between my spouse's job and night class, and my crazy job and heaps of OT, we just don't have the time like we used to. Weekends we end up desperately trying to catch up. We're still getting things done on the rat hole, but they're small things, and they happen slowly. The next couple of weekends will continue to be patchy, and then we're out of town for a bit, but hopefully sometime around mid-May we'll really get the ball rolling. Because I want to tear out the den this summer. ^_^

Anyway, enough whining about how busy we are. Who isn't busy?

At the end of March, we managed to finish putting down the underlayment.

Here I am nailing.

Oh, and here's my spouse nailing. Notice, however, that we put back one of the old pieces of newspaper, and put a new piece down beside it, along with a little note describing what we had found when we tore up the floor. I doubt anyone will ever find our note, but there it is, just in case.

And more nailing. But now the floor looks like a floor, sort of, or at least like it will actually be a floor when it grows up.

In fact, now the room actually resembles some sort of in-process community theater set. Which is much, much better than it was before. This week and weekend we'll put up a few remaining pieces of drywall and do some wiring, which will allow us to get our drywall inspection by the end of the month. Then we can begin taping and putting mud on the seams as we steadily creep closer to having an actual room.

This past weekend we had a BEAUTIFUL Saturday. It was warm, sunny, and just absoluely lovely. We went and played in the park and visited some friends, which did us good, and when we got home we sat outside and planted vegetable seeds. We planted several heirloom varieties of tomatoes, some spinach, chard, several lettuces, beets, and carrots. Hopefully most of them will germinate, and come summer we'll have yummy produce to munch on.

Also, we think we've located the flooring we want to use for the kitchen. Too bad that's probably several years away. Oh well, we'll take it as it comes. Now that the weather is getting nicer, our living/dining room is a really pleasant place to be, and even though we're far from finished, we feel pretty proud of how well the room is turning out.

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