Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Old News

Two posts in one week! That hasn't happened in ages. I suppose it's been about a year - that's when we both got new jobs and were no longer able to work on the house in the evenings. Which has been sort of a drag, but oh well. I digress.

What I really wanted to talk about was the old newspapers we found. Okay, not so much talk about as show. There's really not too much to say, except that we thought they were really cool. The news itself wasn't actually too different than today - killings, disasters, and the like. One of the papers, the Seattle Star, seemed much more sensationalist than the Seattle Times. I especially like some of the old ads, and the "lifestyle"-type photos. Pretty bizarre, but who's to say that our photos/ads/etc. won't seem strange in 70 years?

Without further ado, here you go, a highlight reel of 1934-1936 as taken from Seattle newspapers.

Here's some animal cuteness for you:

We couldn't really figure out what this meant, even after we looked at the rest of the paper.

Everyone needs a holiday!

A bit of racism, anyone? Times have definitely changed for the better, in this regard...

This was our personal favorite. Let the gals have their jewelry.

I want a daydream fortune.

Dogs have always been heroes!

This was one of the more historically interesting things we found, in my opinion. It was definitely a reminder of what was going on in this country when the rat hole was first built.

Thank goodness somebody finally found a way!

And last, but not least...

It's going to be difficult to pick a page to frame. They're all water- and nail-damaged, and so the trick will be to figure out which one is both the most representative of the times and which is most interesting. We'll see how it works out. We hope you enjoyed!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, the gun thing. In the 30's there was a concerted effort to end handgun violence- basically that was the era of the Cagney film and the alleged glorification of the gangster in movies. So they had to go all PR on it and try and solve the problem via the media. If you watch the original "Scarface" with Paul Muni (I highly recommend), there is a disclaimer at the beginning that discusses how horrible gangsters were. And then the movie goes ahead and glorifies them. And there you have it!
