Monday, December 11, 2006

Monstrosity Update

No, I'm not talking about our house. Our house is the rat hole, not the monstrosity. ^_^

So, the horrible house (the monstrosity) in front of ours is finally on the market. It has been on the market over the past few weeks, but it wasn't really ready to be shown. The agent had an open house this weekend, and I only saw one family show up. I made sure to sit in the nook, dressed in my red bathrobe with messy hair, and stared at them whenever they looked my way. It was a good time. We're hoping that our blue tarp, tires, and piles of broken concrete in the front yard help the property values. Part of me wants to do worse things, like make sure I'm walking around naked, or pretend to have screaming fights with my spouse and throw bottles against our fence so they shatter, but I just can't bring myself to do it. Plus it's too cold and I'm too busy. Heh.

Here's a link:
Kenmore Area Home in Kenmore (I kid you not)

In other news, the old guy that used to own the house, the one that lived here for so many decades and had the train set, stopped by and chatted with one of our neighbors. According to the neighbor, the previous owner said he liked the house "better before the other one was built." Apparently he used stronger language than that, but the neighbor was too nice to repeat it. At any rate, it was neat that he stopped by the neighborhood, even if neither of us got to visit with him. It just reinforces the community consensus that the new house is not a good addition to our neighborhood.

We were way too busy last week and this weekend to do any additional work on the house, although we're still feeling triumphant about the beam. It's so much nicer in there! My brother's coming out again next Friday and will be here until Christmas in order to help us out. The plan is this: knock out the remaining walls, reframe, put up plywood, and install windows. We probably won't get the sliding doors installed, but that's okay. We'll just nail up wood in the meantime. That way the house will be closed up when we go visit my family for the holidays. Then, when we return, we'll be in good shape to reframe the rest of the room, put in the other beam, and then we can get the framing inspected. If it passes, it's on to the next part - installing electricity, and that means heat, glorious heat. It won't be in time for the holidays, but the fact that it's on the horizon is enough for me.


  1. What's brilliant about the photo of the craphole up front is the framing. Makes it look almost swellegant, rather than crammed into a space far too small for it.

  2. Anonymous10:08 AM

    It's swellegant alright. Love the crammed photo. Always a bad sign. Hope this weather your having hasn't caused you any problems in le rat hole.
