Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Bee Mine

We still haven't managed to install the smoke detectors. Shame on us. Oh well! They came with batteries, but the batteries aren't pre-installed, so we don't have to worry about them going off in their packages. We both ended up working on freelance projects last night, so work on the Rat Hole wasn't going to be happening.

After much work on our floor plan, we decided that we're going to try to squeeze in a third bedroom where the deck is in the drawings in the previous post. We just have to find out if the city will let us. We might do it anyway and just pay a fine. *shrug*

We've also discovered that our home isn't the Rat Hole, its the Hornet Hole. Okay, so it's not really that bad. We've only encountered three hornets. Big hornets, actually. But still only three of them. And one was dead. Anyway, hornets aren't so bad, really, especially when it's still cold outside and they're slow and stupid, but we've found enough of them now that we're pretty sure there's a nest in our attic. That's no surprise- we saw the remains of one nest, and lots of folks have hornet nests in their attics. The problem is that we need to be up in the attic quite a bit over the next year. We have to get rid of all the crappy insulation because we need to replace the ceilings (and the insulation, so it works out), not to mention run the wiring and the plumbing through the attic space. Working up there with a swarm of hornets ranks highly in the "not very fun or intelligent" category. So, we need to try to find their nest and get them out of there while they're still cold and slow and stupid.

Wish us luck. ^_^


  1. Stock up on epipens and benedryl now! And I won't be able to help you with some of that- I might die. Just saying. Cuz unfortunately things that sting have a really obnoxious effect on me. But then we could test your life-saving skills! And there would be a legend to tell the kids. (This is the attic where aunty slyboots died! Better be good or she's gonna get you!!!)

  2. Anonymous2:50 PM

    It just keeps coming, doesn't it. I say raze the place and buy a shipping container for a few thousand. Then you'd have a modern place, and no more problems. Ok, maybe a few problems, but they wouldn't involve hornets.

    I do wish you both luck.
