Saturday, October 29, 2005


Our real estate agent got in a car wreck yesterday, I found out when I got home. She's apparently okay, which made me glad, but I hope she's still doing fine. I guess the seller's agent said that there was no problem with the new deal, which was good. However, the deal didn't get signed around because our agent couldn't check her email because she was busy dealing with the car wreck. Even though the indicators for that part of the process are good, we still don't have anything actually on paper.

The sticky parts will remain the insurance and the appraisal, since the insurance will probably rely a bit on the appraisal. We can insure the property, though. It'll just cost us almost twice as much as normal until we get the house fixed up and on par. Then we can get normal insurance. My spouse thinks that the new appraisal will go better than the last one, and so we'll see what the list is like. He thinks that there's a pretty good chance that the financing will go through.

If all goes well, we'll still close on the 19th.

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