Monday, July 06, 2015

Fence: Part 8 - Post Cuts

I spent a couple of hours cutting the posts to their finished height on the front half of the fence. I used my Japanese pull saw to make the cuts and a couple of 2x4 remnants clapped to the post as guides. I made nine cuts in all. I also applied a wood preservative to the tops of the posts to help reduce rot. 


  1. oh my, Daddy is working on the fence again.
    someday, oh someday, the fence will be finished.
    Daddy's waiting for his boys to grow big enough to help him.

  2. Anonymous7:32 AM

    I have been doing some fencing at my place and have been looking at Vinyl Fencing.. Wow is it durable..a little more expensive and very shiny..but no rot..a
