Saturday, May 17, 2014

Stump Removal

Procrastination is a virtue when it comes to stump removal. I suspect that digging these two stumps out would have been more difficult eight years ago when we bought the house. We're thinking of getting a swing set or play structure to the almost-five-year-old for his birthday and the stumps would be in the way.

I used my digging bar to loosen the soil around the stumps and to cut through the dead roots. It was pretty easy. It reminded me how much I enjoy using a digging bar. The summer I spent when I was fourteen digging post holes for fence posts left its mark I guess.

1 comment:

  1. hahahahahahaha. Daddy likes the digging bar!
    good exercise...........
    are the stumps all gone now?
    ooooo, a play structure!
