Friday, July 05, 2013

Fence: Part 2 - Demolition

I grabbed some time on the 4th of July and tore down the old crappy fence. It was really quite easy. And my four-year-old helper was very well behaved.

before                                                  after

My helper wasn't happy that I wouldn't let him beat on our neighbor's fence. But he collected all the nails I pulled out of the old fence and wore his ear protection all on this own.

The 2x4 rails are rotten and going to the dump. The fiberglass panels brittle and also going to the dump. The posts are all cedar half and quarter logs and aren't painted or stained. I could throw them in the yard waste bin or keep them for the four-year-old to play with.

There was only on post that was cemented into the ground (out of seven). The rest were just sitting on the surface of the ground. One had a t-post holding it up. The wood at the base of the concreted post had rotted away decades ago so now there's just a nice hole in the ground. I'm debating whether I should dig out the concrete or not. (I probably won't and just fill the hole with dirt.)

Here's another view of the area where I removed the fence. The neighbor's fence is in sad shape, but the posts are generally in okay shape. I'll be installing a post of my own at the end of my fence and not using his post.


  1. what's that pile of rock? in the second picture?
    looks nice all cleaned out.
    poor Arlo, Daddy won't let him knock the neighbors fence down.
    but, good for Arlo, he helped his Daddy!
    hey, i see that strange shirt! ha

    1. The stacks of rock... sigh.
      A landscape contractor was moving and offered us rock left over from old projects. We had thought we might use it for the little retaining wall for the hedge but decided to go with block for ease and speed. The rock was free (though we had to move it). Now we have a bunch of rock. It's just been sitting under the cedars for the last ? number of years.
