Friday, September 28, 2012

Shoveling in the Alley

Since I'm going to build a fence this winter I thought I'd clean up a bit along the fence line.  I filled up two yard waste containers and three yard waste bags.  The cedar droppings had been building up since at least when we bought the house.  The bottom layer was composting nicely, too.  The roots of the cedars were even finding their way into the mulch.  This actually made shoveling kind of hard since I had to use the pruners to cut the roots.  I suspect that digging the post holes is going to suck because of all the roots, too.  Oh, well.

I probably won't take down the old crappy fence until I'm ready to run the string line to establish the property line.  But I'm really looking forward to taking down the crappy old fence.

1 comment:

  1. yeah, that is a funky fence.
    yeah, it's going to be hard digging, for sure.
    will be so nice to have a fenced yard!
