Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sandbox (No Cats Allowed)

We think the little boy might enjoy some time in a sandbox so we built one for him. After doing a little research we found that Dunn Lumber was having a sale on cedar 5 1/4 x 4's (true dimensions are 1" x 3 1/2").

Here are a couple of sketch concepts of what the sand box might look like.

We used screws to assemble the sandbox and nailed some weed barrier fabric on the bottom.

After clearing a space, we placed the sandbox and leveled it.

Now for the hard part (450 pounds of play sand). We wheeled the sand from the truck to the box location and filled up the box. Nine bags in total.

The last thing to do was to put a lid on it so the neighborhood cats don't find it. Luckily, we had a remnant of plywood that was 48"x48" (the perfect size).


  1. Anonymous6:25 PM

    wow! a two wheeled wheelbarrow!
    did you design the sandbox?
    i know, what a hard design!!!!!
    great sandbox!

  2. Yes, we designed the sandbox. 42"x42" square with a lip that makes it 47" square. The lumber only cost $18!

  3. looks like a door to a basement or a fall out shelter.

  4. Fun! We made one for our kids were little too. We live in western NC and spiders were an issue with our covered one. Clearly didn’t want to use any poison either. Maybe not a problem where you are but just throhht I’d throw it out there.
