Thursday, November 15, 2007


Yesterday wasn't a stellar day. I was working from home, waiting for the insulation to be delivered, and waiting for our fireplace to come in so I could go get it, and all without taking off so much time from work that I couldn't leave home at 4 to get to an appointment. Plus I wanted to accomodate our stellar friend Kbot's schedule, since he was so graciously willing to come over in the middle of his workday and help out.

So I called the fireplace shop. And called. And left messages. And called.

And by 9:30 am or so I wasn't feeling positive about the insulation, either. So I called. They had no record of our delivery being scheduled. I didn't have an invoice. Emails and calls to the husband took a couple of hours to get answered; I suspected he had the invoice. The lumber place we ordered our insulation from called us back. Still couldn't find our order. Who had we talked to and ordered from? I couldn't remember. Finally the husband calls back - the invoice was in his truck, as I suspected. I went to call the lumber place back and realized I didn't have the name of the guy who I had been talking to. He called me just moments later. He had found our paperwork. Our insulation had never been ordered - the associate we talked to Sunday had to order it on Monday, but he was out sick Monday and Tuesday, and Wednesday and Thursday were his days off.

I think my head exploded about then.

The guy who I had been talking to ordered the insulation for us, though. It should be here tomorrow. I dearly hope so.

Shortly thereafter, I finally got the call from the fireplace shop. Our stuff had come in! So I dashed over there to get it. I go to the will call door, and this tall, large man opens it up. He proceeds to move the fireplace, pipe kit, and everything else into the back of my truck. By himself. No buddy-lifting. Just him and his gigantic arms around the fireplace. I was in awe. It didn't help he was a flatterer.

I drove home, Kbot met me there, and we got everything into the house. The firebox was freaking heavy!! And there was another big box full of pipe that was also heavy. And that guy moved it all by himself! Pretty amazing. Strong guy.

So we finished the framing off last night, and the spouse did the pipes today. Hopefully we'll actually get the framing inspection we requested for tomorrow. I'll post pictures soon.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for big fellers who can move things by themselves! And boo for insulation people who don't have a backup. That would get me shitcanned from work in an instant, sick or no sick. Idjits.
