Thursday, April 05, 2007

That Woman's Poison

So I really like plants. Maybe I'm not great with them. But I KNOW I've planted more trees than I've cut down. One of the things I'm really excited about now that we have a nice, big yard is putting in some great plants. That includes our hedge, the plants for which we've already posted. Preparations must be made, though, such as flattening the ground, raking out the dirt, etc. The beginning of the preparations entailed poisoning the strip of land between our driveway and the street that runs parallel to it. Yay, Roundup. It was a pain in the ass, spraying all that vegetation (okay, so it wasn't particularly thick) with a 1 gallon pump-action sprayer thingey. And it's sad to watch all the plants die. They might just be weeds, but still...

In other news, our front neighbor planted his new conical conifers. They're nice and tall, and actually let in more light than I thought. They also provide a nice view from our window instead of having to look at the pink stucco as well as some good privacy. Plus, since he moved the deciduous trees, we won't have nearly as many leaves in our gutter come fall. Hooray!

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