Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Creature of the Night

So we've survived the holidays. We got over our sicknesses, bad weather, long drives to visit family, and are home to tackle the new year. We even made a bit of progress this past weekend, making more supports for the roof in preparation for blowing out the other exterior wall. We'll get another three-day weekend in a bit, so we might do the demo and framing then.

At any rate, we think we have a new neighbor. One with a mask, stripes, and nocturnal habits. I suspect it's what dug up and ate my Easter lilies last year. I know it's what sends things banging and clanging in our carport- we ran outside and caught it in the act. All that's fine, but now there's a possibility it's moved in. Strange noises were coming from underneath the house last night. Squirrels will play on our roof on occasion, but not under our house, and not at night. That leaves only our nightly visitor, Mr. or Ms. Raccoon.

We don't know how it's getting in. The only place we can think of is under the porch, where it's possible there's a space big enough to crawl into. Although I can't imagine why it'd want to be under there. It's colder and more damp than other places. Oh well. We're going to rent a live trap and see if we can relocate the little bugger long enough to find the hole and patch it. We'll see how successful we are.


  1. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Oh good luck! We had a resident racoon when we lived in Pecos. Size of a small dog and we could never figues out how to keep it out of our garbage cans. They are smart as the dickens and those little "hands" are quite tricky as well.

  2. Anonymous10:57 AM

    I had a similar problem if you remember. My solution was ah... effective if you catch a whiff of my drift...

  3. Anonymous10:33 AM

    So, how's your raccoon problem? If you catch him, I wouldn't re-release him back in your yard. I'd drive him out in the woods and drop him off where nobody sees you. Back in your yard if he becomes a nuisance to one of your neighbors they may not be as animal friendly as you are...good thing animals don't drown us when we become a nuisance...
