The wall next to the doorway is a location that we think is a good candidate for another heater so we're going to install one. We reframed the lower portion of the wall because we wanted to center the heater on the wall. Here are some photos of the reframed wall and of the heater installation.
You know what? It's dark in this room. It would have been a lot nicer to have been able to see what we were doing while framing for the heater. To rectify this we installed three can lights. We marked the locations and then marred our beautiful ceiling by cutting three holes in the middle of it.
I was able to get the wiring done before the outlet wiring was down so the b-in-l got to have a little light while working.
The lights are on a 3-way switch and line up with one of the solatubes and with the center of the French doors. We only sort of meant for things to all line up. In reality, it's really more of a happy accident.
To wrap up the work for the weekend, the b-in-l installed some plates over where the wiring passes through the studs.
Then we nailed down some underlayment to span the floor seams.
My mother commented that we should be using the b-in-law for more "tall" work before he goes back to MT. I agree and now feel a little foolish having had him do so much "low" work this last week end.