On September 16th and 17th, we hosted an "un-garden" party, in which we begged our friends to come help us deal with the massive amounts of dirt we dug up in a poor attempt to level our yard. We had bunches of people show up, and we're eternally grateful to all of them. The weather was beautiful, the company was good, and we got a LOT done. It was excellent!
Here are the piles, as they were in the beginning.

And here are the piles at the end. Several of them are totally gone! We assembled screens using chicken wire and the lumber from the destruction of our porch. Because we wanted to pay for the yard waste rate, and not the dirt or mixed waste rate, we hacked at the sod, scraped it over the screens to get the dirt out, picked out the garbage, and put the vegetation that was left over in the container.

Here's the container, from a place called Hungry Buzzard. They were very nice, but they lectured us at least five times on how heavy dirt is, how there's no way to get dirt out of sod well, etc., etc. We ended up getting the yard waste rate. We showed them! Mwa ha! Anyway, here's the container when it arrived. There was some question as to whether it was ever going to arrive- turns out that they hadn't reserved the container we requested. They managed to get another, though, and it was bigger than we had originally requested. But at least we got it.

This shows you how full we managed to get the container. Good job, everyone!

Our nice neighbor, who had been gone all weekend, came back to find some of the yard work he'd asked someone to do only half-done. And he saw that we had a nice container full of yard waste... He gave us some cash and we let him toss his stuff in our container. Here my spouse is demonstrating just how solid the stuff in the container is.

And here are our faithful friends!! They all rock, by the way.

Here's me and my manager (she's awesome) working on the back pile of garbage crap. This is the pile that was housing the tree we cut down a a few weeks ago. My manager showed up and kicked the pile's ass, reducing it to half of what it was in just a couple of hours.

And here's the ugly house on the front lot. Now it's painted a sort of dusty salmon pink. It's great. *shudder* It'll be interesting to see what sort of people buy the house. I wonder how long it will take them to realize just how poor the contruction quality was. *sigh*

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