Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Rainin', Drainin'

So, we'll fill you in soon on how the Un-Garden party went this weekend. Let's just say our friends came out (thank you, everyone!), and we kicked ass. The piles of dirt and garbage were reduced significantly. More to follow on that.

What I wanted to say was that it's been raining cats and dogs here for the past few days. We've been watching our back yard anxiously. You know what we saw? Well, besides rain and mud?

An absence of flooding. Which means the drain works, and works pretty well. We'll see, of course, when we get into the thick of winter, but so far, so good! Seems like we got that drain in just in time!

Now we just need to gravel the driveway so THAT isn't a mud pit. Heh.

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