Saturday, July 30, 2016

Temporary Front Door

Our old front door is gone. Actually, it's in the rental shed. We're going to sell it or donate it. Our new front door is a piece of plywood. Yay for us!

This is the lock I put on after the first day without a front door.

It was really nice, but we just couldn't make it work from the outside so I installed a screen door handle and latch.

This set up works much better. Except the workers take the front door off every day so I have to realign all the hardware every evening. When we all leave I screw the door shut and take the driver with me so I can unlock/unscrew the front door when we come home. *sigh*


  1. oh dear!
    kind of a big key, haha

  2. Renovating a house can be a real challenge, not to mention one that is 80 years-old. While the door might not be perfect, it serves a purpose and allows you to focus on fixing one thing at a time. A year from now, you will look back and marvel at how far you have come and how must you remodeled.
