Tuesday, July 29, 2008

New Roof!

We meant to post about the new roof sooner, but we've been sanding and mudding and just couldn't quite find the time. So, without further ado...

The first thing we had to do to prepare for the new roof was mark the locations for the new bathroom fan vents and the Solatubes. I went into the attic space and marked each location by driving a screw up through the roof to the outside. This would have made me nervous if it were any other season but summer. Then I went up onto the roof and attached duct tape to the screws indicating what the locations were for (14" Solatube, 10" Solatube, 4" fan vent). Here are some photos of me on the roof.

The roofing materials (shingles, etc.) were delivered the week prior to the work being done. The dumpster was delivered the morning that the work began. I stayed home that morning to make sure everything was okay and to answer any questions. Good thing, too, since the dumpster guy wanted to put the dumpster right against the house. The kitchen sink has a drain field on the north side of the house, so I didn't want the dumpster too close. I directed the dumpster to be placed about 9 feet from the house and felt comfortable about the drain feild.

The roofers took a little longer than I anticipated. I had thought that the job would take a day. They had thought it would take a little over a day. It took 2 full days. Plus, they had to come back on the third day to clean up. Still, the new roof looks great! They took out the individual roof vents and replaced them with a single vent that stretches the ridge of the roof.

My spouse and I also had the roofers plumb cut the rafters on the east side of the house. This will allow us to install the gutter in a horizontal manner and not the canted way that it was before.

All of the Solatubes are in the roof now and all that needs to be done is for them to be connected to the ceiling below. We are very happy with our new roof! We are gauranteed for 20 years against leaks and should be nice and dry (at least when it come to rain).

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