This is what happens when I'm stalled out on stuff to do on the house while Spouse finishes his drawings. I look for stuff for our house online and fantasize about when it will be done. This is sort of counterproductive, since it's going to be a long time before we can actually use any of the stuff I'm looking at. However, it also means that when it comes time to buy our sinks, fixtures, etc., I'm totally ready.
So, as I mentioned before, one of the things I've been in thought about has been doorknobs. See, I don't really like modern doorknobs. Some are okay, but some are TOO round, while others aren't round enough. It wasn't until we visited my folks' house in July that I realized what I loved: the doorknobs of my childhood home.
Here's the thing- they're the trashy knobs of the turn of the last century. They're in old houses by the ton, and they've been abused. As such, it's hard to find them. I've been looking for a month and a half. They don't make reproduction ones, not that I've found. I've scoured auction sites, antique sites, etc. to no avail. When I have found them, they've been bid on so agressively that I haven't been able to win them.
That's when I found it- a set of ten. TEN! It was just knobs and spindles, but they were ALL what I wanted. Usually it's just one I wanted with a few porcelain or glass ones I don't want. And it was a "buy it now" auction. So, I bought them, and today they arrived. I love them. They're in great condition, and the ones that need to be cleaned can be cleaned (we'll clean them all anyway).
Now I'll shut up and let you look at the beautiful knobs. They're more than we'll ever need. I am knob rich. Mwa ha.

Now this makes me happy. You are the Knob Queen! (A not J- that would be mean of me.)
ReplyDeleteThat was lucky happenstance at its finest.