Monday we just looked the place over, documented what needed to be done, and went home. Tuesday we stocked up on cleaning supplies and bought a dehumidifier (which is working wonders, especially since the windows are single-pane and suck), and a friend of mine came over and graciously helped us clean. She gets a big, shiny, gold star, because she rocks. We worked on the kitchen and determined that vegetarian kitchens are much easier to clean because of the lack of meat-particulate grease coating every single surface. We actually spent most of the hour and a half on the stove alone, since it was gross. But it looks like a normal stove again, and once we buy an element to replace the one that's missing, we'll be able to use it. That's good, because the hot water heater doesn't work, and this way we'll be able to boil water on the stove and use that. Heh heh.
The reason the hot water heater doesn't work is because somebody cut the lines to it. Maybe the previous owner guy. Whatever.
So last night, Wednesday, we went back and cleaned some more. I tackled the full bathroom, which the previous guy had his workmen using as a dumping ground for all sorts of vile liquids. It was horrible. I scrubbed and scrubbed while my spouse dealt with the hot water heater, crawling around the house following wires. When he was done, he swept and dusted and took care of various other things going on.

After several hours, we finally have a usable bathroom, even though it doesn't have a sink. Unfortunately, the pictures don't do it justice. The toilet in particular just looks like a normal toilet and not the creature from the Black Lagoon. Hooray.
Notice the brand-new shine on the tile in the photo below. Oh yeah. ^_^ The floor was also exceedingly disgusting, and many minutes were spent with a razor blade, scraping caulking off the tile. I don't know what we'll do with the wallpaper...
Tonight I tackle the other bathroom while he cleans windows, closets, and more floors. Whee hee.

Yikes! Sounds terrible and yet sounds like a blast, since it's YOUR HOUSE! Congrats on getting the place.
ReplyDeleteI like the knee pads. Good thinking, that.
I was thinking of you guys yesterday since we were taking apart our broken-down dryer and we found the remains of an old mouse nest inside the chassis. Nothing makes you feel good like realizing you've been breathing in the fumes of heated mouse dung for who knows how long. And I thought: I bet those two are finding stuff like this all the time.
Anyway, good luck with the chores, and before too long Aubri and I will have to come down for a weekend to help out. Can't in the next 3 weeks or so (Aubri's finishing school) but maybe early Jan.?
Early January would be great! We look forward to seeing you!
ReplyDeleteI'm so excited for both of you! I know that I crapped out on you this week- but I'm thinking that this weekend during the day when it's a little warmer- I'm turning into a full-on Seattle winter wimp. Sigh.