The chronicle of the trials, tribulations, and joys of attempting to update a 1930's-era home, affectionately termed "the rat hole" because of its state of disrepair, in Kenmore, Washington.
Monday, November 28, 2005
Finally, we begin
For a while we were considering putting in wood floors right away, since there's a sale on the flooring we want, but we just don't know enough yet to want to make that purchase. So, carpet it is, at least for the moment. That way we won't have to worry about ruining our floors as we work. We can also put off making some of the structural decisions, since the carpet will be temporary.
We decided that we'll scrape the money together to try and stay in our apartment through mid-January. It was just going to be too difficult to try and clean and repair the rat hole on top of packing up, moving, and cleaning the current place on top of the holiday preparations.
We'll start posting pictures again as work progresses.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
The key to the situation
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Where are the keys?
Rat Hole, sweet Rat Hole
I'm actually very excited. I can't believe we own the house. I'm really looking forward to spending hundreds of hours fixing it up. At the very least, it'll be good stories to tell my grandkids when I'm older- "When I was young, your grandfather and I bought our first home, and let me tell you, it was a rat hole...."
Thanksgiving's just around the corner. Have a happy holiday!
Monday, November 21, 2005
And now the fun begins...
More on that later.
The end is near
I would really, really like to close today. Even after all the garbage that's been going on, I would still love to have the property. We could really make it nice, I think, and it would be a great way for us to build equity. Plus it will keep us busy (because everyone knows we have problems keeping ourselves busy *grin*).
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
City Hall and Utilities
I finally had some time in my schedule to go down to city hall and do some research. I should have done this weeks ago. City Hall planning told me about sub-division. It may be possible to sub-divide the lot in half in five years. Maybe. It’s really close. There may not be quite enough square footage and access could be an issue (the resulting second lot couldn’t use the driveway and would have to access the private road that runs next to the house). The lady I spoke with said that things could change a lot in five years, though. For example, the private road could become public. Or the lot size requirements may change.
The water and sewer utility told me some very interesting stuff, too. We will have to move our water meter service. This will cost about $2000. This doesn’t include the trench or line from the meter to the house. Connection to the sewer is a big one. $7205 for the permit and connection fee. Another $3500 for a contractor to connect from the sewer to the house. The gas connection and line would be $842 (not including the trench). I’m still waiting for information on electricity.
Needless to say, we won’t be jumping into the sewer connection right away.
I also found out today that we will not be getting another extension. The 25th is do or die.
And the lender is kicking herself for not using her regular appraiser.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Hurry up & wait... and hurry up...
We have to keep our Friday open, though. We just may close.
So the appraiser wouldn't budge. The lender got on his case about being slow. He said it was too bad. So we're not using his appraisal. The lender's own appraiser (who we should have used in the first place - just my opinion) is going out on Thursday and thinks they'll be able to give us what we need. We could close on Friday, or we could need an extension. Our agent talked to the seller's agent about lowering the price. The seller's agent said that the seller was very difficult to work with.
Whew. Looks like we're back in rapid-fire land, possibly.
Well, okay
Regardless, we're not closing on the 19th. The underwriter still has to do his or her thing, and bunches of other things need to happen as well. We're not sure what the new timeline will be, though. Hopefully we'll know soon. I feel like that's becoming our catch-phrase with all things surrounding the rat hole...
Monday, November 14, 2005
Maybe tomorrow
Unfortunately, we still don't know what exactly that means. It's strange because this appraiser actually valued the property less than the asking price. Even though it was the seller's appraiser. Um, okay. The first appraisal we had with the first lender, the one that said absolutely don't lend on this unless it's fixed first, said it was easily worth what we offered for it, even in spite of the problems. So the lender's going to find out if the appraiser made a mistake. If he says he didn't, the lender's going to use their own appraiser.
And then we will wait some more. Although she says that her appraiser can turn it around pretty quickly.
Wonder why we didn't get to use that appraiser in the first place.
Hopefully tomorrow we'll find out. Oh, it would be so nice to find out. In spite of all the waiting and worrying and wondering, I would still like to get the little house.
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Strange things afoot
And, of course, when we tell our friends and family about the situation, all sorts of red flags go up. It's very strange that this is so difficult. People buy fixer-uppers all the time. The house isn't even in that bad of condition. It's structurally sound and really just needs cosmetic work and a lot of time put into it. Yet if a house could be treated like a leper, this house is certainly being dealt with in such a mannter. We don't really understand what the deal is.
After discussing it at length, we've decided that there must be something else funky going on with the house, something we don't know about. I'm not talking about dead bodies or vengeful spirits or anything, although that could be interesting. No, we suspect that there's something legal going on. We're going on a quest on Monday to try and figure out what's up with the house. Hello, county records. Here we go.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Gift Money
As the other half of the rat hole hopeful, it's been fun to watch the blog take form. Well, maybe not. There sure are a lot of hoops to jump through!
As you may have read, we've settled on a lender who came up with a pretty creative way to get us a loan. It requires 5% down and then we draw on the equity in the house to get that 5% back so we can repair the house. My father has been wonderful and given us most of that 5%. I deposited it into our bank account on Monday. Today I find that the bank has put a hold on the deposit! Not only that, the hold clears after our closing date!!! This really sucks!
I call the phone number on the hold notice letter. This person can't help me. Apparently banks use to be able to clear holds very easily. This person tells me it doesn't work that way anymore. She says to go to my bank in person and beg. I'm gonna go beg, but I might get pissy.
First, I shave. Haven't shaved in a couple of days. I think the bank might like me better if I shave. Plus, my other half likes it, too! Then I put on a nice sweater. The one I'm wearing is not so great. But it's warm!
I'm at the bank. I'm told by the "bank host" that a meeting with the manager will be a little while (half hour or more). Then he asks if he can help me. Apparently he's a vice president. Maybe everybody is a VP these days. I explain my situation. He says he'll take a look. A few taps on the keyboard and the funds are available. Sweet!!! I thank him, shake hands, and drive home.
It was a little anti-climactic. I really wanted to throw a stink, but he was really nice. It was far easier than the lady on the phone led me to believe. Maybe it's because I shaved.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
At least it's not our fault
In the meantime, we're still trying to get our financial ducks in a row and provide all the proper documentation. We're still waiting, but it's not quite as terrible as it was before, even though we still have no idea if we'll get the house or not.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Another helping of waiting, anyone?
However, what the appraiser was still trying to figure out was the dollar amount of the work that would have to go into the home. Basically that's the list of what we'd have to get finished to get the money released from the escrow account. If we got the house, that is. If. Big if.
We were supposed to find out yesterday, and there was no word. So we thought we'd find out today, and there's no word, and neither of us are in a good position today, time-wise, to carry out a long discussion with the lender.
I really hope we find out tomorrow. I don't like being stuck in limbo.
Saturday, November 05, 2005

Friday, November 04, 2005
Movement, maybe
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Isn't this fun?
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Still nothing
It's hard not to shop for stuff for the house while we're waiting. I was sent a ton of links for fun faucets, tile, etc., and it immediately sent me on a flight of fantasy. It would be so fun to pick out everything and install it ourselves, making the house truly ours. However, each time I think about the future of the rat hole, I feel a bit uneasy, because I'm still not convinced everything will work out.
But I guess it's still fun to put it all together in our heads.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
More waiting
We're still trying, we're getting our money in order, and we settle in to wait, again.